(608) 442-1127


Custom doesn’t have to be synonymous with expensive and complicated. At Kinergetics, we strive to instead equate “custom” with flexible, precise and innovative.

This page will be updated as Kinergetics continues to bring new designs and build to the industrial sector.

The Syrup Concentrator™

The Kinergetics approach is a “heating system” with specially engineered, augmented tube exchangers to optimize heat transfer and pumping based on the “shear thinning” nature of the syrup.

Each design is application-specific and includes steam conditioning and other system design attributes. The result is a cost-effective approach to increase corn oil recovery, reduce drying costs for DDGS production, and improve RTO fan operation.

Proven technology coupled with effective process integration to ensure high thermal efficiency. A specialized exchanger design provides efficient and reliable syrup concentration over 50%TS.

Plant efficiency gains of 2,800 to 3,300 BTU/Gallon are typically expected, though gains can be far greater with waste heat operation and integrated heat recovery to reduce process steam.

Direct Contact Columns

Based on energy investigations involving process dryers at manufacturing, oilseed crushing and oil extraction facilities over the past four years, Kinergetics has designed systems to recover heat from the dusty exhaust that often results during normal drying process operations. 

The Kinergetics design incorporates an “open column” direct contact design that will not plug or foul as contact columns with mass transfer packing often do. 

The contact column was designed specifically for more challenging process heat transfer applications and is called the ExTactor™, for Exhaust conTactorAside from more reliable long-term operation, the ExTactor also has a lower pressure drop for increased energy efficiency, which also lessens concerns about loss of drying capacity due to increased system back-pressure.

eMat Wireless Metering System

As we continue to refine our innovative solutions, Kinergetics is thrilled to introduce the Energy Matrix Wireless Metering System.

This system features a range of metering probes and an online database that filters and presents data in a user-friendly format.

Designed with our customers in mind, the Energy Matrix empowers you with clear, actionable insights for optimal energy management.

Deaeration Columns

Deaeration columns built specifically for your facility can offset the energy needed to heat cold makeup water and decrease the usage of stripping chemicals. Adaptable in space-limited areas, they don’t require pumps or the installation of a DA tank.

Their flexible nature means they can be mounted almost anywhere, depending on the process setup. With the ability to run using waste heat and steam, they further streamline your facility and decrease costs.